Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Future Budget

From one of my recent posts I said that our class is doing a fake money system. This week our task is to create our future budget. We have to find cars and houses and jobs and everything we will need/want in our future. We also need to research how much a warrant and car registration costs for our car, also our tax and all the Money that we have to pay to the government. Another thing we had to research was what we will study in university and our net worth for when we're older. These won't be our actual futures because somethings might change but this is what we're thinking of right now. 

Here's my presentation and Budget on my Future:

Thursday, 24 October 2019


For our writing task this week we had to research an environmental issue and show what it is and how we can prevent it. I did mine on overfishing. It's scary to think that all the fish in the sea will be gone.
Here is my presentation:


For Term 4 our class is focusing on money and going through the process of having to pay bills and pay for the stuff we use, using banqer. Banqer is an online fake money system, everyday we come to school we get $5 but if we are sick and we email our teacher or contact the office we still get $5. If we check in before 8:35 then we get $10. Each task we complete we get $10-$30. Each week we have to pay $75 for wifi and if we want to sit on the furniture we have to pay a certain amount of money. Here is our slide that has all the information.

This week's reading task was about Budgets. We had to research what a budget is and then create our own Budget using google sheets. We had to put together all the tasks and all the things we wanted to buy and see what our budget would be after that. Here is mine.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

LH1 logo

Last week bella and I made a logo for the class in manaiakalani. Everyone who made one had to have a symbol behind it. Ours symbolises that us kids are the boats lost at sea and the two lighthouses are the two teachers leading us the way. We used google drawings and luna picc to create this.