Tuesday, 25 September 2018

How to Turn Your Brightness up

This Term a new workshop has started, it's called 'Koka Pip's Tech group'. I am one of the lucky kids that got chosen to be in the group. Our main focus is to try and help the elderly learn how to use their device and  and stay safe online.
Here are our activity slides.

Here is a poster we made for them.

On the first slide of the Activities there was a quote, that quote told us that the elderly will probably forget about the posters because it will just be all boring words. So Koka Pip told us to make a video on how to do something simple on your device. I was buddy's with Hana and here is our Video we made using Powtoon.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

SPCA House 1 & 2 Complete

I'm not sure if I told you but this term's motto is ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!!! For this, in our buzz groups we chose a task out of...
Our group
Have the task of making Beds, Rags, and Blankets for the SPCA! So far we have a planner and 2 houses/beds, here is the planner...

And here are our finished houses/beds...

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

How do I Make a Quality Blog Post

Last week with Koka Maria, she told us to make a video on HOW to make a Quality Blog Post. The video above shows you my 3 steps on how to make a Quality Blog Post. This picture below is our class brainstorming page.


In our Huia reading group this week our focus was learning about 'Why we have Eyebrows'. Here is the Activtiy slide for last week.
And here are my Activities

Blog Post Review

On Thursday instead of doing Blogging the teachers told us to make a Blog Post Review for our Blogging Buddy. My buddy is Seve, and here are the scores I gave him for 'The Experiment'.


Each week our collaborative classes split up after lunch on a Tuesday and Wednesday. One of the classes does fitness and the other class does either Chapter Chat or Priorities. Our class (Moana Rua) does fitness on Tuesday and Chapter Chat or Priorities on Wednesday. Last week we were learning about the best foods to eat. We had to make a presentation on the food that we chose. I was partners with Kyra and we chose to do the food CHILLI PEPPERS!

Charlie, Chilli
(Chilli's my nickname)

Thursday, 6 September 2018

A Letter to the Animal Trust

This week in strand we have been doing more measurements. We were put in groups to try and figure out measurements for the Animal Trust's plans and display them to the group. In my group I had SophieLani, and Daniel P. Each task had 2 groups working on it. Here are all the tasks.

Our group did the first task (the garden one).
Here are the completed tasks in my book.

We decided to display our work through a fake letter to the Animal Trust.