Thursday, 26 July 2018


For the past few weeks in EL4 Strand we have been learning about Transformation (Rotate, Translate, and Reflect). After we learnt about Transformations we then extended it into Tessellations (locking shapes together to create a picture with NO gaps, and NOT overlapping). I found the rotation and the coloring in hard. What helped me to make it easier was to do everything in pencil and then draw over it in pen.

Here is my TRANSFORMATION artwork.

Here is a Slide Show about Tessellations.

And here is my TESSELLATION artwork.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Skate Board Design

Once Matua Fergus saw Seve's New Skateboard design he gave us a skateboard template and we were left to design our own skateboard.
Here is my design for the Griptate (top).

And here is my deck (bottom) design.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

2018 Science Fair Project

This year my science fair project was about Hydropower. There were a lot of different science fair projects like "Smell Ya Later, Colour vs B&W, The POWERADE PLACEBO effect, Sugar Cookies, Paper Scissors Rock, Right or Left, Rotor Motor, Sweet but Salty" and plenty more!
Here is what the hall looked like.

This is what MY science board looks like, I used this really good website called and I used the Hydropower experiment.

Here are my slides.

Times Tables

For the past few weeks instead of typing club we have been going on this really good website called I finished all my times tables from 1-12 diplomas and activities.
Here is my trophy cabinet.